# Contributors

Teaclave adopts The Apache Way. Everyone is more than welcome to contribute and make the project better. We add tag along with committer name to show areas that they are familiar with. We do encourage everyone to work anything they are interested in.

Please contact the community if you'd like to become a member of regular committers or PPMC of Teaclave.

# Mentors

Teaclave is now part of the Apache Incubator. We are fortunate to have the following mentors.

Name Apache ID GitHub ID
Daniel Dai daijy -
Felix Cheung felixcheung felixcheung
Furkan Kamaci kamaci kamaci
Gordon King garyw bigdata-memory
Matt Sicker mattsicker jvz
Zhijie Shen zjshen zjshen14

# Podling Project Management Committee

The role of Podling Project Management Committee (PPMC) is to help to govern the project and is directly responsible for the oversight of Teaclave.

Name Apache ID GitHub ID Tag
Mingshen Sun mssun mssun all
Pei Wang uraj uraj -
Ran Duan rduan volcano0dr sgx-sdk
Rundong Zhou rdzhou rdzhou -
Tao Wei lenxwei - -
Tongxin Li litongxin1991 litongxin1991 -
Yiming Jing yjing - -
Yu Ding dingelish dingelish sgx-sdk
Yuan Zhuang yuanz DemesneGH trustzone-sgx-sdk
Yulong Zhang yulongzhang yulongzhang -
Zhaofeng Chen zfc m4sterchain -

# Committers

Committers are people who have made substantial contribution to the project and being active.

Name Apache ID GitHub ID Tag
He Sun hsun henrysun007 teaclave-faas
Hongbo Chen ya0guang ya0guang webassembly, executor
Lei Yu yulei yuleil java-tee-sdk
Qinkun Bao qinkun qinkunbao teaclave-faas
Rong Fan fanrong fanrong1992 trustzone-sgx-sdk
Sanhong Li sanhongli - java-tee-sdk
Shaojun Wang shaojunwang superajun-wsj java-tee-sdk
Ziyi Lin ziyilin ziyilin java-tee-sdk

# Contributors

Teaclave is a community project and is very thankful for the many community contributions it receives.

List of external contributors of Teaclave, Teaclave SGX SDK, Teaclave Java TEE SDK and Teaclave TrustZone SDK (in alphabetical order):

More people tracked in GitHub:

Last Updated: 1/4/2023, 1:02:49 AM