Teaclave Meetup #5

June 23, 2021 · Mingshen Sun

In Jun 24, we gathered in Zoom for the fifth monthly Teaclave meetup. In this meetup, we're glad to have Hongbo (@ya0guang) talking about his contributions on adding WebAssembly Micro Runtime to Teaclave as an executor (PR: #504, #512).

Teaclave Meetup #5

# Schedule

  • Recent update of Teaclave, Mingshen (5m)
  • Executing WebAssembly in Teaclve, Hongbo (40m)
  • Open discussion

# Notes

# Recent Update of Teaclave

Teaclave TrustZone SDK version 0.1.0 released

Linaro OP-TEE Contributions meeting

# Executing WebAssembly in Teaclave

Executing WebAssembly in Teaclave

Some question and discussion:

  • Can we reuse the WebAssembly runtime to improve the performance of startup?
  • Bridging tlibc functions into WAMR.

# Open Discussion