
A barrier enables multiple threads to synchronize the beginning of some computation.
A BarrierWaitResult is returned by Barrier::wait() when all threads in the Barrier have rendezvoused.
An SGX-based condition variable.
A value which is initialized on the first access.
An SGX-based mutual exclusion lock.
An SGX-based reader-writer lock.
A synchronization primitive which can be used to run a one-time global initialization. Useful for one-time initialization for FFI or related functionality. This type can only be constructed with Once::new().
A synchronization primitive which can be written to only once.
State yielded to Once::call_once_force()’s closure parameter. The state can be used to query the poison status of the Once.
A re-entrant mutual exclusion
An RAII implementation of a “scoped lock” of a mutex. When this structure is dropped (falls out of scope), the lock will be unlocked.
An SGX-based mutual exclusion lock, meant for use in static variables.
An SGX-based reader-writer lock., meant for use in static variables.



Initialization value for static Once values.
