pub struct Hir { /* private fields */ }
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A high-level intermediate representation (HIR) for a regular expression.

An HIR value is a combination of a HirKind and a set of Properties. An HirKind indicates what kind of regular expression it is (a literal, a repetition, a look-around assertion, etc.), where as a Properties describes various facts about the regular expression. For example, whether it matches UTF-8 or if it matches the empty string.

The HIR of a regular expression represents an intermediate step between its abstract syntax (a structured description of the concrete syntax) and an actual regex matcher. The purpose of HIR is to make regular expressions easier to analyze. In particular, the AST is much more complex than the HIR. For example, while an AST supports arbitrarily nested character classes, the HIR will flatten all nested classes into a single set. The HIR will also “compile away” every flag present in the concrete syntax. For example, users of HIR expressions never need to worry about case folding; it is handled automatically by the translator (e.g., by translating (?i:A) to [aA]).

The specific type of an HIR expression can be accessed via its kind or into_kind methods. This extra level of indirection exists for two reasons:

  1. Construction of an HIR expression must use the constructor methods on this Hir type instead of building the HirKind values directly. This permits construction to enforce invariants like “concatenations always consist of two or more sub-expressions.”
  2. Every HIR expression contains attributes that are defined inductively, and can be computed cheaply during the construction process. For example, one such attribute is whether the expression must match at the beginning of the haystack.

In particular, if you have an HirKind value, then there is intentionally no way to build an Hir value from it. You instead need to do case analysis on the HirKind value and build the Hir value using its smart constructors.


If the HIR was produced by a translator with TranslatorBuilder::utf8 enabled, then the HIR is guaranteed to match UTF-8 exclusively for all non-empty matches.

For empty matches, those can occur at any position. It is the repsonsibility of the regex engine to determine whether empty matches are permitted between the code units of a single codepoint.

Stack space

This type defines its own destructor that uses constant stack space and heap space proportional to the size of the HIR.

Also, an Hir’s fmt::Display implementation prints an HIR as a regular expression pattern string, and uses constant stack space and heap space proportional to the size of the Hir. The regex it prints is guaranteed to be semantically equivalent to the original concrete syntax, but it may look very different. (And potentially not practically readable by a human.)

An Hir’s fmt::Debug implementation currently does not use constant stack space. The implementation will also suppress some details (such as the Properties inlined into every Hir value to make it less noisy).


Methods for accessing the underlying HirKind and Properties.

Returns a reference to the underlying HIR kind.

Consumes ownership of this HIR expression and returns its underlying HirKind.

Returns the properties computed for this Hir.

Smart constructors for HIR values.

These constructors are called “smart” because they do inductive work or simplifications. For example, calling Hir::repetition with a repetition like a{0} will actually return a Hir with a HirKind::Empty kind since it is equivalent to an empty regex. Another example is calling Hir::concat(vec![expr]). Instead of getting a HirKind::Concat, you’ll just get back the original expr since it’s precisely equivalent.

Smart constructors enable maintaining invariants about the HIR data type while also simulanteously keeping the representation as simple as possible.

Returns an empty HIR expression.

An empty HIR expression always matches, including the empty string.

Returns an HIR expression that can never match anything. That is, the size of the set of strings in the language described by the HIR returned is 0.

This is distinct from Hir::empty in that the empty string matches the HIR returned by Hir::empty. That is, the set of strings in the language describe described by Hir::empty is non-empty.

Note that currently, the HIR returned uses an empty character class to indicate that nothing can match. An equivalent expression that cannot match is an empty alternation, but all such “fail” expressions are normalized (via smart constructors) to empty character classes. This is because empty character classes can be spelled in the concrete syntax of a regex (e.g., \P{any} or (?-u:[^\x00-\xFF]) or [a&&b]), but empty alternations cannot.

Creates a literal HIR expression.

This accepts anything that can be converted into a Box<[u8]>.

Note that there is no mechanism for storing a char or a Box<str> in an HIR. Everything is “just bytes.” Whether a Literal (or any HIR node) matches valid UTF-8 exclusively can be queried via Properties::is_utf8.


This example shows that concatenations of Literal HIR values will automatically get flattened and combined together. So for example, even if you concat multiple Literal values that are themselves not valid UTF-8, they might add up to valid UTF-8. This also demonstrates just how “smart” Hir’s smart constructors are.

use regex_syntax::hir::{Hir, HirKind, Literal};

let literals = vec![
// Each literal, on its own, is invalid UTF-8.
assert!(literals.iter().all(|hir| !;

let concat = Hir::concat(literals);
// But the concatenation is valid UTF-8!

// And also notice that the literals have been concatenated into a
// single `Literal`, to the point where there is no explicit `Concat`!
let expected = HirKind::Literal(Literal(Box::from("☃".as_bytes())));
assert_eq!(&expected, concat.kind());

Creates a class HIR expression. The class may either be defined over ranges of Unicode codepoints or ranges of raw byte values.

Note that an empty class is permitted. An empty class is equivalent to Hir::fail().

Creates a look-around assertion HIR expression.

Creates a repetition HIR expression.

Creates a capture HIR expression.

Note that there is no explicit HIR value for a non-capturing group. Since a non-capturing group only exists to override precedence in the concrete syntax and since an HIR already does its own grouping based on what is parsed, there is no need to explicitly represent non-capturing groups in the HIR.

Returns the concatenation of the given expressions.

This attempts to flatten and simplify the concatenation as appropriate.


This shows a simple example of basic flattening of both concatenations and literals.

use regex_syntax::hir::Hir;

let hir = Hir::concat(vec![
let expected = Hir::literal("abcxyz".as_bytes());
assert_eq!(expected, hir);

Returns the alternation of the given expressions.

This flattens and simplifies the alternation as appropriate. This may include factoring out common prefixes or even rewriting the alternation as a character class.

Note that an empty alternation is equivalent to Hir::fail(). (It is not possible for one to write an empty alternation, or even an alternation with a single sub-expression, in the concrete syntax of a regex.)


This is a simple example showing how an alternation might get simplified.

use regex_syntax::hir::{Hir, Class, ClassUnicode, ClassUnicodeRange};

let hir = Hir::alternation(vec![
let expected = Hir::class(Class::Unicode(ClassUnicode::new([
    ClassUnicodeRange::new('a', 'f'),
assert_eq!(expected, hir);

And another example showing how common prefixes might get factored out.

use regex_syntax::hir::{Hir, Class, ClassUnicode, ClassUnicodeRange};

let hir = Hir::alternation(vec![
            ClassUnicodeRange::new('A', 'Z'),
            ClassUnicodeRange::new('a', 'z'),
let expected = Hir::concat(vec![
            ClassUnicodeRange::new('A', 'Z'),
            ClassUnicodeRange::new('a', 'z'),
assert_eq!(expected, hir);

Note that these sorts of simplifications are not guaranteed.

Returns an HIR expression for ..


Note that this is a convenience routine for constructing the correct character class based on the value of Dot. There is no explicit “dot” HIR value. It is just an abbreviation for a common character class.

use regex_syntax::hir::{Hir, Dot, Class, ClassBytes, ClassBytesRange};

let hir = Hir::dot(Dot::AnyByte);
let expected = Hir::class(Class::Bytes(ClassBytes::new([
    ClassBytesRange::new(0x00, 0xFF),
assert_eq!(expected, hir);

Trait Implementations

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more
Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

Print a display representation of this Hir.

The result of this is a valid regular expression pattern string.

This implementation uses constant stack space and heap space proportional to the size of the Hir.

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

A custom Drop impl is used for HirKind such that it uses constant stack space but heap space proportional to the depth of the total Hir.

Executes the destructor for this type. Read more
This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==. Read more
This method tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more
Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more
Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Returns the argument unchanged.

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.
Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more
Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more
Converts the given value to a String. Read more
The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
Performs the conversion.
The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
Performs the conversion.