

Send JSON serialized request to the service with the client and get the serialized response.
Send JSON serialized request to the service with the client and get the serialized response.
Set user’s credential with user_id and user_token. The function returns 0 for success. On error, the function returns 1.
Cancel task with task_id. The function returns 0 for success. On error, the function returns 1.
Send JSON serialized request to the service with the client and get the serialized response.
Close and free the authentication service handle, i.e., the AuthenticaionClient type opaque pointer. The function returns 0 for success. On error, the function returns 1.
Close and free the frontend service handle, i.e., the FrontendClient type opaque pointer. The function returns 0 for success. On error, the function returns 1.
Connect to Teaclave Authentication Service.
Connect to Teaclave Frontend Service.
Send JSON serialized request to the service with the client and get the serialized response.
Set user’s credential with user_id and user_token. The function returns 0 for success. On error, the function returns 1.
Send JSON serialized request to the service with the client and get the serialized response.
Send JSON serialized request to the service with the client and get the serialized response.
Get task result of task_id. The result will be save in the task_result buffer, and set corresponding task_result_len argument. Note that this is a blocking function and wait for the return of the task. The function returns 0 for success. On error, the function returns 1.
Send JSON serialized request to the service with the client and get the serialized response.
Invoke task with task_id. The function returns 0 for success. On error, the function returns 1.
Send JSON serialized request to the service with the client and get the serialized response.
Query audit logs according to query. query is the query statement for tantivy. The result will be saved in the log_buffer buffer with the corresponding log_len argument set. Remember to free the user and message inside c_entry to avoid memory leak.
Send JSON serialized request to the service with the client and get the serialized response.
Send JSON serialized request to the service with the client and get the serialized response.
Send JSON serialized request to the service with the client and get the serialized response.
Send JSON serialized request to the service with the client and get the serialized response.
Login a new user with user_id and user_password. The login session token will be save in the token buffer, and length will be set in the token_len argument. The function returns 0 for success. On error, the function returns 1.
Send JSON serialized request to the service with the client and get the serialized response.
Register a new user with user_id and user_password. The function returns 0 for success. On error, the function returns 1.
Send JSON serialized request to the service with the client and get the serialized response.